Please Support the Opera House!
Please consider becoming a donor!
As a donor, your name or business name, will be displayed prominently on our new 5 foot tall placard in the lobby!
Sponsorship Levels
Sponsor Stage Right $1500
Sponsor Center Stage $1500
Sponsor Stage Left $1500
Sponsor Cremona Percussion $1000
Sponsor Cremona Pipes $1000
Red Seats (Rows A-E) $250
White Seats (Rows F-K) $200
Blue Seats (Rows M-Q) $150
Black Seats (Rows R-W) $100

To Become a Donor:
Please email us at virginiacityplayers@gmail.com
with your
1. Name
2. The name you want displayed on your plaque
3. The amount you donated!
4. Donate at our Box Office or through PayPal by clicking the Donate button!
*We are not a non-profit organization*